Still on the couch? Come on get to work, pick 2 lower body exercises let's say Dead Lifts(A1) and Elevated Split Squats(A2), another 2 upper body exercises like "dumbbell" Bench Press(B1) and narrow grip Pull Ups(B2) and 2 arms exercises like "dumbbell" Biceps Curl (A3) and Triceps Skull crusher(B3)
Day One: Alternate A1 with B1 , rest 30-45 seconds between sets and do 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Take a 2-3 minutes break , move to A2and B2 to do exactly what you did with A1and B1, finally take another 2-3 minutes break before repeating the same process with A3and B3.
We're not done yet!! These were the exercises for your "Day One" training and since I know that you are too lazy to pick any exercises for your "Day Two" training then I'm gonna do it for you..your 2 lower body exercises are Romanian Dead Lifts(A1) and Squats(A2), your 2 upper body exercises are Incline "dumbbell" Bench Press(B1) and wide grip Pull Ups(B2) and your arms exercises are "dumbbell" Biceps Hammer Curl(A3) and Push Up Triceps(B3)...use these exercises to do your "Day Two" training, follow the same routine like in "Day One"
This is how you gonna break this workout down: Mon: "Day One", Tue: off, Wed: "Day Two", Thur: off and Fri: "Day One" then you start again on Mon with "Day two" and so on for 4-6 weeks.. Shorten your rests between sets by 10-15 seconds every two weeks.
Please note that the above exercises are not for beginners but the workout plan itself could be used by anyone who is willing to train hard... So if you are a beginner who wanna try this workout then simply choose a different set of exercises for each day and hit the gym.
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